Sign up for your Spring/Summer 2024 work shift here.
Being a member of a CSA means two main things: receiving farm-fresh food during the season in exchange for supporting the farm financially, and participating in sustaining the CSA operations by pitching in yourself.
Note: The winter share does not require a work shift, unless you were not able to complete your required shift in the summer.
Being part of a CSA always requires you to contribute some of your time. We require each household (full or half share) to complete one work shift, or about four hours of your time throughout the season. This is mandatory, and missing your work shift will jeopardize your membership with the PHCSA in the future.
Please see below for details, and contact if you have a suggestion for how you’d like to contribute!
Sign ups are now open for Spring/Summer 2024! Sign-ups are on a first come, first served basis.
Pickup Workshifts
Each Thursday pickup has slots available during two shifts. We will be taking many precautions to keep all members safe and healthy during shifts through social distancing and cleaning supplies. Please bring your own mask and gloves for your shift if possible!
Unloading/Set Up Shift 3:15-3:30 (3 spot)
Help unload the farm truck, bring boxes into distribution site and set up for weekly pickup. Workers should assemble at 3:15pm sharp on Bergen St. to meet the truck. Workers who arrive after the truck has arrived and others have started unloading will be considered late and must sign up for a new shift! Be ready to lift heavy boxes; we promise you’ll get a workout!
Distribution Shift 4:15-6:00pm (2 spots)
Distribution Workshift: Check in members at pickup, distribute boxes, keep pickup area clean throughout the shift.
Arrive at the P.S. 9 garden on Bergen St and Underhill at 4:15. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your shift, you'll have to sign up for a new shift!
Closing Shift 6:00-7:30pm (3 spots)
Clean up the pick up area at the end of the night. Come to the P.S. 9 garden on Bergen St and Underhill at 6pm. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your shift, you'll have to sign up for a new shift!
On Call Early and Late Shifts (monthly): 2 spots
We also have a monthly "on call" volunteer, someone who can show up in case of a last-minute need for additional help. That means we may not call you until Thursday morning to ask you to work for that Thursday same day shift. You'll need to keep your schedule clear every Thursday during the month, but will receive work shift credit even if you are not called in during your month.
If we do not call you for a shift, you do not have to work but will still be credited for working a shift. Please provide your number upon signing up for this shift. Please don't sign up unless you know you have a flexible schedule that will allow you to be available last minute.
Closer shift 6:00-7:30 (3 spots)
Closing Workshift: Clean up the pick up area at the end of the night. Come to the P.S. 9 garden on Bergen St and Underhill at 6pm. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your shift, you'll have to sign up for a new shift!
Supply Volunteer:
If you’re unable to work a shift, do not fear! You can also sign up to bring reusable bags, hand sanitizer, and/or bug repellent as a shift.
Call Next Weeks Volunteer:
Each Thursday for the month of June, you will receive a list of the following week's workshift volunteers to remind them of their upcoming shift. You will be contact those volunteers by email/text to remind of their shift the following week.
Write Website/Newsletter Content Volunteer:
We're always looking for members to share with us great ideas and recipes using their veggie shares! Write 3-5 posts with a recipe using produce we have received or are currently using in our share. It can be from any point over the course of the season. It can be any vegetable or fruit with a recipe link. Please email us at with your posts!
Yes! Kids are welcome to hang at the pickup site, and often love finding fun ways to help. But if you think caring for your child will prevent you from helping your fellow CSA members or fulfilling your shift, we recommend finding another shift that better suits your schedule.
WHAT IF I CAN’T COME DURING THOSE TIMES or work an in person shift?
We understand schedules are hard, and sometimes unpredictable! Any adult can help you fulfill your work shift (they don’t need to be a member). Members are also welcome to coordinate swapping shifts on our Facebook group.
This year, we have a number of new alternative workshifts, and are always open to suggestions of how you can help the CSA run. If you have any concerns about working in-person shifts, here are some options:
Write Website/Newsletter Content: We're always looking for members to share with us great ideas and recipes using their veggie shares! Write 3-5 posts with a recipe using produce we have received or are currently using in our share. It can be from any point over the course of the season. It can be any vegetable or fruit with a recipe link. Check out past examples here.
Cooking Demo: Would you like to share your cooking tips and techniques with your CSA veggies or talk to your fellow members on what type of wine to pair with CSA veggies? Would you like to do a Zoom or video presentation to share with members as part of your shift? Email us at
Supply Donations: We want all of our members to stay safe and healthy at pickup. Please donate one of the following at pickup: 2 bottles of bug spray, 3 bottles of hand sanitizer.
If you'd like to offer your unique expertise to the CSA in a way not listed here, reach out and we'll find something that works for you. Past alternative shifts have included creating fliers, building our storage shed, organizing events, and even sewing a banner!
Please contact with any questions.
In the spirit of sharing the bounty, we have created a sliding payment scale so that everyone in our neighborhood can participate in the CSA. Those of us who are financially better off contribute a little more so that access to fresh food can be more than just the privilege of a select few.
To register for a share as a new member, you will fill out a form where we ask for your household income level (we trust your honest answers, and do not ask for documentation). This income level determines the price your household will pay for the vegetable share. If the listed price points still don't work for you, please contact us, as financial aid may be available.
We are run by our Core Group made up of CSA members who volunteer their time to work with our farmers, recruit members, run the distribution site, maintain records and accounting, manage member workshifts, write the newsletter, and perform community outreach. Please join us in running this great organization.
Members of the Core Group