
Signup FAQ

All your Signup questions answered

Our Farm Partner

Our main farm partner is Windflower Farm in upstate NY. They provide our shares of vegetables, fruit, flowers and eggs. Other farms cooperate with our partner to fill out our shares when needed.

Lewis Waite Farm also provides extra shares of meat, cheese, bread, and many other things from local farms throughout our region. You can also order these items a la carte.

Share Selection & Pricing

You can select a full share of vegetables (every week) or a half share (every other week). There are plenty of options for "extras" such as eggs, fruit, flowers, meat, bread, and cheese.

When you sign up, you will be asked for your household income level to determine what membership plan you may purchase. The price of a share depends on your household income level (or combined income for all adults participating in the share). Please honor our commitment to ensuring that the entire community has equal access to our organic produce and be honest in reporting your income.

Financial assistance is available, please ask and we'll work with you to find an arrangement that works for your budget and allows you to participate in the CSA. 

If your plan is sold out, please join our waiting list as we frequently open up additional shares based on demand.


Payment is required when you order, via Paypal or by check. 

Payments for vegetable, fruit, flower and egg shares can either be paid in full via PayPal or check. You may also pay in two installments via check only, mailed to the address in your registration confirmation.  If you choose to pay by check, please review the detailed instructions on the order form. If we do not receive ALL required checks within seven days of your order, your share may be forfeited.

Lewis Waite Farm shares must be paid in full via PayPal through their website.

If your share is not fully paid, you have an outstanding balance, or you did not complete your work shifts last season, we reserve the right to forfeit your share.


Pick up dates for the 2020 season are Thursday, June 2nd to Thursday, October 27th from 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm, at the PS 9 garden on Underhill and Bergen. You select your own produce from the bins our farmer sends each week.

Half share members will get assigned to alternating A weeks or B weeks so that we can evenly split the shares. That means you will pick up every other week. You'll get your week assignments before the beginning of the season.

Our CSA is an all-volunteer enterprise. Members are required to work at our distribution site for a minimum of 4.5 hours per share. If you have time and energy, we always welcome you to join our Core Group. More details can be found here.
